Wednesday, 7 February 2018

5 Easy web design Hints

It’s like everyone has a site now perfect? With affordable hosting and content management systems like WordPress and Joomla, everyone can produce their own website with relative ease. So how do you make yours stand out in the crowd? And importantly, how do you improve the web layout to make things easier for most of your users?

1 — Navigation

This will be one of the very first places your users will see. It needs to be clean and simple to read. Consider using descriptive phrases for your links since this can help users and search engines to navigate effortlessly. In case you have a good deal of menu items then the use of sub-menus is very important. Declutter as much as possible!

navigation web design

Two — Social Media

Linking your site to your own social media accounts is very easy now. If you’re using a CMS then this capacity comes with many approaches, even though there are thousands of plugins available to assist with this too. You must write all of your articles to your website, and then discuss that over your social media accounts. Not only are you promoting your own business/website across several platforms however, you’re also fostering your SEO which will make it a whole lot easier for new customers to find you in a search engine.

3 — Mobile friendly

With the debut of the smartphone, the a growing number of internet browsing is performed on a little screen. This will create all sorts of problems with your site unless you are properly prepared. You’ll see loads of CMS topics available that can offer mobile support, and they’re able to supply a quick fix to the problem. However, these can’t account for all types of articles so you might require the aid of a web designer to perfect the cellular layout.

mobile-friendly web design

4 — Testimonials

Most of us love a good review! And in case you have some then you really have to share it around. Reading positive feedback for your company can just be a good thing. It provides your potential customers confidence in your products/services and boosts your brand in a certain way.

5 — Can it be clear

Most sites start out clean and easy, but as fresh content becomes added or menu items seem, you may locate your pages getting cluttered. Attempt to keep all new content in precisely the identical style as previous works. Using exactly the exact fonts and structure throughout your website will help, and if you’re using a CMS then it’s possible to create templates for specific kinds of content. This permits you to keep a thread of consistency at all of your work.


Just following some, or all of these tips may help improve not just your site layout, but also its own presence online. Increasing your google positions will cause more potential customers, which contributes to more testimonials, which contributes to even more customers. And that doesn’t want that?

The post 5 easy web design hints appeared initially on Barry Webber.


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