Thursday, 25 January 2018

31 Awe-Inspiring Tattoo Designs For Winter

Comics Artist Shows Us The Way Vastly Different Chinese and Western Cultures Are

Hilarious and intriguing at precisely the identical moment. Have a look at #5!

What comes to mind when you hear about China? Some of us would probably take into consideration the amazing food, its renowned Great Wall, or perhaps some of those not-so nice aspects of the country (such as blatant piracy of goods).

If you have been there or not, there is no denying that Chinese civilization is significantly different compared with the western states. We have all seen that in the information, and in books, films. Or maybe you’ve even detected a few differences as you discovered acquaintances, co-workers neighbors or your Chinese classmates.

For depicting the distinct cultural disparaties between the west and China 1 artist on Instagram is making waves online.

Born and raised in Beijing, Siyu has eventually spent 10 years now “traveling, studying and working abroad in the US, UK, and France.” Yes, this performer has seen and experienced what it feels like living in each side of the world — which served as the inspiration for a weekly online comics series called Tiny Eyes.

At a BoredPanda post, Siyu shared:

“I started ‘Tiny Eyes’ comics a year back in the expectation of sharing Chinese civilization through everyday life. Learning about other cultures has always been an enjoyable adventure, and I want to pass people that are interested in China this feeling.

“In lots of my comic books, I compare Chinese civilization to western civilization. By comparison, we realize we have a tendency to think in a particular way instead of another and how we act in the front of the identical situation.

“At the end, every civilization is ‘weird’ in its way, but it’s also the weirdness which makes it intriguing”

Check the comics out below and a few captions in the artist:

Dad Creates Epic Artwork on Lunch Bags to Assist Son Make Friends

When we were kids, parents would make sure we had all we needed before going to school – one of which was our lunch bags. A dad from California, Dominick, is one of those parents who take pride in preparing lunch. But mind you, he does it in a way that is different.

For more than 4 decades, Dominick has been drawing on his son’s brown paper lunch bags. And mind you, his drawings are a part of art. Based on him, he’s managed to decorate less or more 550 luggage. It’s really amazing how enthusiastic and determined he is.

Dominick still continues to prepare and decorate his lunch bags even though his son is in middle school. There was even a time as it was his turn when all lunch bags were adorned by him for his son’s football games. For other people, breakfast may be the meal of daily but undoubtedly, it is, for Dominick, lunch!

Take a look at the drawings below and be inspired by his creativity!

Artist Photoshops Classical Paintings Into Modern World — And It’s Interesting

Artist Alexey Kondakov shows us exactly what it looks like when figures from classical paintings reside in the modern world.

Things can get pretty interesting if you sew the classic and the modern. Recall one of our prior articles at which Snapchat captions were added to classical paintings? That was hilarious! It definitely gave art history a brand new, humorous twist.

Now enable us to introduce you to the job of artist Alexey Kondakov. This inventive had the notion of getting figures from classical works of art then putting them in settings, mostly in Kiev.

How did he do it? Well of course, with Photoshop’s power!


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