Monday, 5 March 2018

Learning to be a Web Developer

A few months ago, I decided that I actually wanted to find out to become a web developer. I was getting bored just running my site, was contemplating jobs but just found a few that interested me (which I did not get) and instead decided to go full into becoming a web developer.

I had any experience with websites having managed/owned a site for the greater part of five decades. However, I hadn’t ever gone full bore into studying the different languages intricately. I started out with, subsequently moved to and then to some fantastic classes at Udemy.

In the beginning, when I decided I wanted to be a web developer, I applied to DevBootcamp. This is an internet development studying accelerator. It is basically a 9 week intensive language course that concentrates on Ruby as well as touching front end development languages like html, css, javascript, jquery along with ajax. After 9 weeks, then they state that you’ll be prepared to start your career as a web developer.

Last week I had an interview with one of the higher-ups in DevBootcamp. Apparently I passed their interview procedure because a few hours after the meeting, I got an email stating that I was into the app. After a few sleepless nights, I have decided to attend the school. (The cost, location and enormous life change were keeping me up at night.)

The school starts on March 10th, 2014. In the meantime, I have a couple months to keep my self education. I have just signed up to get a school called Thinkful. It is $300 a month and instructs novices html, css, javascript, jquery along with ajax.

I will be posting a few of my own jobs from that class to this site so that everybody can keep tabs on my progress.


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